Monday, September 04, 2006



Rehearsals have begun.

Last Saturday saw Fai (LTW) and Jin rehearsing their lines. Incindentally, Jin plays Y, who couldn't make it to the get together we had Thursday last. Anyhoo, it was good fun seeing Fergus getting into director mode, coaching them and getting everyone to loosen up. Even I took part in some bits, but tired out after our little "energizing pick-me-upper" (*be forewarned actors, physical labor exercises will be included during rehearsals). We also worked on Fai's Mandarin, which was great fun as well. Between Jin, who's also Fai's Mandarin tutor; me, who speaks but can't read or write for nuts; Fergus and Fai who barely understands much less speak the language, we managed to come up with the best lines to capture the essence of LTW and Y's scenes.

That's Jin, whose face you can't really see.

"So okay, guys, I want you to get into character..."

Fergus listening and watching intently as Jin and Fai hash their lines out.

As usual, while everyone's getting into the zone, I naturally decided to goof around midway rehearsals.

Jin: Okay, here's how you say "My name is..."
Fai: Great stuff, write it here

Fai: Ni ke yi zhiau wor Lam Tak Wing
Jin: Mm. Good.


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