Friday, September 15, 2006


Jessy and Ash were over tonight, and were doing a focus exercise using the song Dil laga liya (pictured above, and no, those aren't jessy and ash, that's priety zinta and her costar, but i swear we'll get there, i swear).

It was then that our two actors, astute as they were on the floor, got their feet tangled, eventuating in Jessy hurting the baby toe on her left foot. After some tlc that first involved tying her baby toe to her fourth toe (so that it didn't "pop out") and then followed by home-made ice pack, we got back into rehearsals. Jessy did spend the remainder of her night on the sofa, which worked out pretty alright considering that in her scene, she is in a bath tub.

Jessy also brought some really yummy chocolate chip muffins, which she baked till 1am the night before. Thanks Jessy!

"How do you feel if i told you that the whole dev story is a dream, a big conjurance in the mind of sapna, as something to soothe the hurt she feels? like, nothing about dev is real. it is all sapna's extensive imagination, fleshed out to make her feel better about losing him?"

"Dev, for you, it is opposite. sapna is your imagination. both of you believe that the other one is imagined. it's like a mirror image, but the object and the image both believe they are the object. both insist that the other is the image, a mere reflection. maybe both of them are objects. maybe dev and sapna are both in that bathroom. or maybe both are the image, reflecting someone else. maybe neither dev nor sapna are there at all"


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